26 Dec

Check the seller's reputation

Before you purchase a second hand laptop, it’s important to check the reputation of the seller. Ask around for feedback from friends and family who may have purchased a laptop from the same seller. Also, you can use online search engines to find out what others have said about their experience with the seller. Be sure to look at reviews both good and bad, so that you can make an informed decision. Additionally, if the seller has a website or social media page, take some time to read through customer comments and reviews. Doing this will help ensure that you get a quality product and a pleasant buying experience.

Ask questions

It's important to ask questions when you're looking at a second hand laptop. You want to be sure you know exactly what you are getting. Ask questions like:• Is the laptop currently working?

• What is the condition of the laptop?

• Does it have any existing damage or flaws?

• Has the laptop been reset and wiped clean?

• Does it come with any accessories?

• What is the battery life?

• Are there any software issues?

• How old is the laptop?

• Are all the ports and connections in working order?

• What type of warranty does it have, if any?

• Is there a money back guarantee if you’re not satisfied?Asking these questions will help you understand the condition of the laptop and make sure that you're getting a good deal

Visit here:- buying second hand laptop 

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